We tend to think that the problems in our world are so big that we can't do anything about them. We believe the lie that it takes a big, sweeping movement to solve injustice and issues that grieve us & grieve the heart of God. But really, it just takes believing and I can do something!
a step, any step, even a little step. A lot of little steps cross a great distance.
hands with someone else who cares about the same things you do & take more steps together.
If you want to help fight you can donate to the A21 Campaign. They're rescuing and restoring victims and putting traffickers in jail and we can help by backing them and by giving freedom a voice!
You can also give away a "Key for Free" and help to spread the
message and encourage others to get involved.
You are someone and you can do something!
If you suspect you can confidentially report it to the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-3737-888.